Tag Archives: portability

A buyer’s guide to business projectors

A typical projector bulb lasts 2,000 hours (and newer ones, like LED lamps, can go up to 20,000 hours). But there are other factors that affect a projector’s lifetime before it needs replacement. If you’re unsure about what to look for in your next projector purchase, this list will help you choose the best product. […]

Best for SMBs: Laptop or desktop?

2016November8 Hardware A PH

In today’s business world, computers are an essential investment. Considering the tight budgets of small- and medium-sized businesses (SMB), one can’t afford to invest in the wrong hardware. Which is the smartest investment, especially for startups? Laptops or Desktops? Portability Laptops allow you to keep working when you don’t have an electrical outlet. However, this […]