Tag Archives: security

What makes hypervisors weak?

Hypervisors have changed the game of cybersecurity. They provide unmatched cyber protection for your data as they keep it in the cloud. However, hypervisors still have vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit. Find out how their weak points can be addressed. A hypervisor is a software application that distributes computing resources (e.g., processing power, RAM, storage) […]

How Windows 10 features keep ransomware at bay

The ransomware threat isn’t going away anytime soon, which is bad news for computer users everywhere. Fortunately, Windows 10 has built-in security features to keep you from falling victim to ransomware. Controlled Folder Access This feature allows you to list certain documents and folders as “protected.” Only whitelisted programs can access and edit these folders, […]

Tips to monitor employee activities online

There are a lot of pros and cons when it comes to monitoring your employees online. We’ve put together an honest and transparent list of arguments for and against this practice. And if you decide it is something you want to pursue, we’ve provided some tips for a smooth implementation process. The case for monitoring […]

Cloud security: Everything you need to know

Cloud technology is becoming more pervasive every day. A Forbes report found that 77% of enterprises have at least one application or a portion of their enterprise computing infrastructure in the cloud. But somehow, myths about its lack of security remain. Hands-on management Unless you have an overinflated budget, relying on local copies of data […]

Why is HTTPS important?

Many internet users still do not understand what the padlock icon in their web browser’s address bar is for. It represents HTTPS, a security feature that authenticates websites and protects the information users submit to them. This is an important feature that lets users know whether the site they are visiting is secure or not. […]

Recover your privacy in Windows 10

Advertisers are able to target their consumers more effectively thanks to social media. But did you know that your operating system might also be giving away information about your online searches to advertising agencies? Learn more about Windows 10’s not-so-private settings and how these can be fixed. Turn personalized advertising off For those unaware, Windows […]

Fileless malware: Are you at risk?

Over the past few years, the security industry has been witnessing a rapid evolution in attack techniques, including fileless malware, which uses legitimate tools and services such as existing software, applications, and authorized protocols to carry out malicious activities such as unauthorized data retrieval or data damage. It therefore pays to stay abreast of such […]

The dangers of the web and how to stay safe

You probably go to great lengths to keep yourself safe, whether at home or in public. But what happens when you get online? Learn more about how you could be exposing yourself and your personal information over the internet so you can stay safe. With the headlines about data breaches and cyberattacks greeting you every […]

Are autocomplete passwords safe?

Advertisements and suggestions based on our internet browsing habits are sources of online tracking. However, autocomplete passwords are also another source of online tracking. This sneaky tactic comes with serious security risks. Here’s how you can stop it from targeting you. Why auto-fill passwords are so dangerous As of December 2018, there are 4.1 billion […]